Roseberry Pet Crematorium would operate in a unit on the Terry Dicken Industrial Estate, near Stokesley.
A planning application for the scheme has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.
The applicants say the business would be a small, family-run crematorium solely for domestic pets.
A collection service for deceased pets would be offered.
Animals would be transported to the unit, with pet owners also able to bring their pets themselves via an appointment.
A steel chimney would be erected out of the roof which would stand one metre above the roof.
The applicants say the chimney stack would not emit smoke plumes or smell.
Documents submitted with the plan state: “We will operate a caring, compassionate and respectful service to people across North Yorkshire whilst complying with the council’s regulations and supporting the local economy with jobs.”
The carcasses of the deceased pets would be collected, placed in sealed, leakproof, non-see-through, suitable bags and taken to the unit
The applicants added: “Upon arrival at our crematorium, the van will be driven into the unit via the roller shutters and the carcass will then be removed from our vehicle with dignity and out of sight of the public.
“We intend to cremate on the same day as carcasses are collected, and most cases within 24 hours of collecting, there will be no decomposing remains kept on the site.
“If for whatever reason the incinerator breaks down, we would not collect any animals until it was repaired, and if there was a carcass on-site it would be refrigerated or frozen until cremation.”
After cremation, the remains would be ground to ash in a cremulator, placed in an individual urn and the ashes would be returned to the owner.
The incinerator can cremate up to seven animals a day, but the applicants say they expect to only handle two cremations per day.
The applicants say their chosen incinerator is Defra-approved and is a “lot quieter than a normal domestic appliance”.